About the Journal


Journal Title : Indonesian Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence, Economic and Legal Theory
: 3031-0458 (310458/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/12/2023)
DOI Prefix
Editor in Chief
: Laheva Lahea (Scopus ID: 57215653628) 
E-mail : journalsharia@gmail.com

: University of Finance, Ukraine and Al-Amin Institute.

Frequency : 4 issues per year (Mar, June, Sept, December)
Citation Analysis
: Sinta | Google Scholar |Citedness in Scopus | DOAJ  | Index Copernicus 


The "Indonesian Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence, Economic and Legal Theory" is a scholarly journal that focuses on advancing the understanding and exploration of Islamic jurisprudence and legal theory within the context of Indonesia. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Islamic law and its theoretical foundations.

The "International Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence, Economic, and Legal Theory" is 4 issues per year (Mar, June, Sept, December).  This publication schedule provides researchers and academics with the opportunity to submit their contributions according to the journal's publishing cycle.

The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical papers, critical reviews, and comparative studies that address various aspects of Islamic jurisprudence and legal theory, with a specific emphasis on the Indonesia context. It covers a wide range of topics, including Islamic legal principles and methodology, contemporary issues in Islamic jurisprudence, comparative legal analysis, legal theory and jurisprudential debates, legal reform and development, and interdisciplinary perspectives.

By providing a comprehensive understanding of Islamic jurisprudence and legal theory, the journal aims to contribute to academic discourse, inform policy discussions, and promote the application of Islamic legal principles in the Indonesia legal system. It welcomes rigorous and scholarly contributions that enhance knowledge, foster critical thinking, and advance the understanding and application of Islamic law within the Indonesia context.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): This volume covers topics such as women's rights, inheritance law, crime prevention, telemedicine, consumer protection, cybercrime, child marriage, and gender equality from legal and Islamic economic perspectives.
					View Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): This volume covers topics such as women's rights, inheritance law, crime prevention, telemedicine, consumer protection, cybercrime, child marriage, and gender equality from legal and Islamic economic perspectives.
Published: 2024-10-01


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